Welcome back Huskies!! Here is our weekly agenda... this is the least active 2 week stretch we have from here until the end of school. The kids will be busy decorating for prom which is NEXT SATURDAY APRIL 5th. As always let me know if you have any questions! Have a great first week back!

You are invited to our early childhood developmental screening that is on Thursday, April 3rd. In the Northern Valley Elementary School. This screening is for any child from ages 0-5, this is an opportunity to have questioned answered in areas such as speech, academics, motor skills and social-emotional skills. This is also a chance to talk to talk about our new changes to our preschool program that will start in August, allowing all-day preschool option for our 4-year-old session. To attend the screening, please contact Kenzi Sheley the elementary school secretary to set up an appointment. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Gebhard.

Spring Pictures are coming up! Pictures will be on Thursday April 10th.

Hey guys!! Last week before spring break!! Have a great week and enjoy this amazing weather!

Hey Huskies!! Here is our Weekly Agenda!! We are pretty busy these last two weeks before Spring Break!! Thank goodness for better weather! Have a great week!

Coach Lewis is asking for your help! He is working on building stat records for the NV High School Girls Basketball team but is missing many years' worth of data. If anyone has stat reports (maybe handed out at awards banquet) and would be willing to send or bring a copy to the school, it would be appreciated. Please do not put any stats in the comments we are asking for a physical copy only. Thanks in advance. Go Huskies. 💚🏀

Hey guys!! Here is our weekly agenda. Reminder, when attending post-season games none of the regular season passes work. All students, staff and community members will need to pay to get into the games Monday and Tuesday Night. KSHSAA post-season amounts are $8 for Adults and $6 for students. Have a great week Huskies!

Hey Huskies!! Here is our Weekly Agenda. The weather is looking unpredictable so stay flexible again this week. If there are any changes we will make sure to send a text caster out and get a post made on the school website. Let us know if you have any questions!
Right now the Foreign exchange student meeting is in the HS Auditorium, but if they need a projector for a presentation we will move that to an appropriate classroom. Thanks!

Please join us as We dedicate and recognize Coach Cole in Naming the Long Island Gym in his honor. Thursday February 20th @ 2PM in Long Island in the gym. Before 4th/5th Grade Basketball Games.

Hey guys!! Here is the weekly agenda for 2.10.25. Be ready to be flexible with the incoming snow/weather. We look forward to the start of the JH BB Tourney! Have a great week guys!

Hey guys!! Here is our weekly agenda. Wednesday is our 4th-8th grade spelling bee!! This week we start the HS WKLL BB Tourney. After each night of play, we will post the next opponents and playing times as soon as we have them. Have a great week Huskies!

Hello everyone, On February 5th the school is going to be doing dental checks on all the kids. If you want to opt out your kiddo then please fill out a form like the one pictured below. Each office has copies.

Hey guys!! Here is our Weekly Agenda! We kick off HS Forensics this week and Have the HS Snowball Dance on Saturday! Have a great week Huskies!

Hey guys!! Here is the weekly agenda for 1.20.25 The next two weeks are jam packed in the Valley!! Let us know if you have any questions. Have a great week Huskies!!

Hey Huskies!! Here is the weekly agenda. Have a great week

Hey guys!! I am having trouble getting this to post in Facebook... I am pretty sure this is operator error!! Let's try again. Here is the weekly agenda for 1.13.25. Have a great week Huskies!

Hey Huskies!! Here is the weekly agenda. Have a great week!

Hey guys!! I hope you are enjoying your snow day!! Here is our Weekly Agenda for the week of 1.6.25. Let me know if you have any questions! Stay warm and enjoy the winter wonderland!

Hello everyone, The FFA had some extra things that came from fundraisers, and we are now offering them to the public. Everything is for sale at $20. We have lots to choose from. Give the High School Office a call 785-669-2445 and see what we have left for sale. Thank you all for your support this year! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Hello everyone,
The FFA had some extra things that came from fundraisers, and we are now offering them to the public. Everything is for sale at $20. We have lots to choose from. Give the High School Office a call 785-669-2445 and see what we have left for sale. Thank you all for your support this year!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!