Licensure Lines…
What’s new in teacher licensure?
As the teacher shortage continues, KSDE has opened up several new
pathways to becoming a teacher. FHSU continues to lead the way in
our long-standing Transition to Teaching alternative licensure route for
PreK-12 and Secondary education. We have heard from administrators
that it would be great to have this same pathway for Elementary
Education. KSDE heard you and so did we – we are excited to share
that as of Fall 2023, that option is now in place at FHSU! A teacher
candidate that holds a bachelor’s degree (any) and gets hired as the
teacher of record, can apply after a semester of coursework for a LERP
license. For more information, contact Dr. Valerie Zelenka at or
Interested in becoming a Teacher?
February 26, 2024